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The Storm and the Maiden
Wednesday, 26 February 2014
Within the Storm @ 15:31 - Link - comments
The Happening at the Giant Stone Doors at Altitan has peeked the curiosity of many - myself included. Whatever things turn out to be, if the Giants of Altitan are indeed behind those doors and the doors do open, my only hope is that we can be allies and that there will be peace between us. A possible new area for us to visit is very exciting!

But I am also wary. We have no way of knowing exactly what is behind those doors - or what might come out from them should they indeed open. So we need to be sharp and smart.
Friday, 07 February 2014
Within the Storm @ 09:59 - Link - comments
Not sure where I am right now or where I am going - or what is lurking around. There is a disturbingly loud yet fine buzzing and crackling sound. I don’t think it’s from one big creature thing - but perhaps several hundred ...or thousands of smaller ones. I am picturing hundreds of thousands of insects moving about and it’s starting to freak me out.

So I am somewhere in the woods. Its chilly, thankfully I have my cloak and my green bunnyfuz to help keep me warm. I love the woods and all the nature that surrounds me so I am feeling at peace but I should have packed more then one blanket and a few books. This is beside the point now. Maybe I will run across a merchant.

The sounds of what I think are unidentified insects is getting louder - the sound of WAY too many insects. At least I THINK it’s getting louder - it could be in my head. Regardless I am now perched in a tree for the night. It just feels less creepy crawly and safer. The bright side of this is that hopefully they aren't legions of spiders. The less bright side is they are termites and this tree is not as good of an idea as I previously assumed. Why is it that I am always involved in the strangest of conundrums?
Tuesday, 04 February 2014
Within the Storm @ 10:14 - Link - comments
I was never one that had a clue as far as maps and directions and such so I currently am not sure where I am even though I know I can not yet be too far from the town of Dundee. However there is a vague familiarity to this lovely landscape. Perhaps as a newly free and very young adult this place is where I made my first steps into Dundee before collapsing within the walls of Dundee itself. But the years have been long since those days and my memory is not great on the best of days let alone a day that isn’t all that wonderful.

Sunrifter shines high in the sky and I am warm and comfortable under her rays as long as I keep my cloak clasped tightly around my shoulders. And although I am feeling tired - so tired from the endless nights through these years, years which have been filled with sleepless nights and dark haunted thoughts, I still find the energy to walk on. I even managed to find myself the perfect walking stick, just right for my height and weight to help me along what appears to be steep trails ahead. I’m hoping my time on these trails ands wherever they take me will help me to become stronger - physically and emotionally. Also I hope to somehow unburden my heart and soul - both have been so heavy for far too long - most of my life, in fact. I try and hide it but I no longer can do.

I really don’t know what it feels like not to be so weighed down be it with grief, pain, hatred, sorrow, fear, illness, love - all of it drowning me. For such a small girl I feel as though I weight a thousand pounds. I just hope those I love received my hastily written notes and will not worry much. I don’t want to worry about them worrying about me. And I know Twilight is as strong as ever and in capable hands so that is one less thing I have to fret about and fretting and worrying (though I know I usually do it and cant help but do it) will not help me find whatever it is I am truly seeking.

And speaking of haste - it seems I did not pack enough to eat but I will figure that out as I go along.